I self-identify as ALASKAN
I thought I would never leave Alaska for more than a vacation. After 60 winters I could not previously imagine living anyplace else. I have received every Permanent Fund Dividend check since the program started—until 2022.
My Worldview has Now Changed
Two Years Update!
Philippines is a politically charged in a different voltage, with many challenges in a part of the world most Alaskans don’t think much about. Asia is a complicated region containing 2/3rds of the world’s population. Christianity is a minority religion, except in Philippines.
Alaska Nuclear Missiles have been pointed toward Asia since the Cold War.
On this Free Substack Platform I take longform looks at the amazing similarities between the First World Republic of Philippines and the now third-rate State of Alaska. Stories are in the Filipino Tagalog Language and English as I build my Asian readership.
Subscription for exclusive English stories is only $30/year. Advertising to both Alaska and Asian markets is available and includes a free subscription to content inside the paywall.
I am an advocacy writer; I don’t pull my punches in stories I write, and I don’t candy-coat what I have seen and experienced as an Alaskan. Philippines has some problems too, and I will note my observations in the same instructional voice as I have always used over years of journalistic/teacher endeavors.
I have examined Alaska challenges, some of which Philippines is now facing, so readers East or West looking at smartphones or computers may become more enlightened.
Circumstances required me to leave; Alaska has become a dangerous place for vulnerable active ALASKAN Seniors since Gov. Michael Dunleavy first took office in 2016. Beginning in in 2019 Atlanta, GA Huckster Bill Borden, dba High Caliber Realty, Inc. (sic) thought he was going to indenture me to his scam outfit. I even personally introduced him to somebody who gave Borden $3.5 Million in real estate listings!

Huckster Bill turned out to be a crook. In October of 2024 Alaska News Source reported that the Palmer meat processing plant Borden lied about selling to Elsberry will not be accepting any more animals. Annual lease payment is due in early November for this, the largest USDA processing facility in the state. This has an impact upon Alaska Food Security.
The struggle between good and evil from malicious Outside influences exploiting Alaskans has become a backstory of my Website in multiple stories.
Readers will recall back in January, 2022 Huckster Bill viciously attacked my writing platform. Being listing agent in sale of the plant wasn’t enough--Borden had 14% ownership in the company making the offer to lease-purchase the Palmer slaughterhouse known as Mt. McKinley Meats and Sausages--without telling the seller who had trusted him of this backdoor deal.
Southern Sleaze with Alaska Motif
Over my years as a true Alaskan I have seen many poseurs exploit Alaskans. Gov. Mike Dunleavy was fooled and even gave Borden an atta-boy at the time.
Later, in early 2022 Huckster Bill hacked my digital platform, stole the company of MY NAME and took it to Atlanta, GA. There he tried to sell my company name [donnliston.com] for $7,500!
Sigmund Freud might have diagnosed this as a form of male penis envy.
2024 will be another year of building my digital platform, and telling my readers what scammers, bureaucrats and elected officials don’t want them to know about how Alaska is really run.
Facebook friends discovered statements I had made as longtime Alaska Press about Borden wrongdoing changed to apologies through his criminal hacking. But Huckster Bill can keep that name and website in Georgia because nobody in Alaska will EVER mistake this pathetic little mama’s boy for the Alaskan DONN LISTON.
Stories on my Alaska platform can be read in multiple languages. The site had to be reconstructed and redesigned but today has more than 200 long-form stories on a variety of Alaskan themes.
I write stories for payment, too! I will interview you on the record 20-30 minutes and write a story from the tape. Then you can read the proposed story and change anything. I will post the story upon approval for $300. I will send it by email to Influencers and post it in multiple places on social media. You will have a link to promote to anyone you choose.
Here is one example of several I have done under this arrangement:
Because of fear for my life from Borden scammers, today I am living in Metro Manila. Alaska courts are familiar with my situation but they are overwhelmed now over two years and four Borden attorneys.
ALASKA: Crime Capital of USA
Big Mike’s Legacies of Failure…
In PH exile I have continued to write about the Alaska I have known and watched helplessly as it has descended from a wonderful place to grow up to a third-rate lawless state. The legislature doesn’t even follow laws it passed which were operational in distribution of the AK Permanent Fund Dividend over 40 years.
I know the cautionary tale for any other place considering establishing a Wealth Fund run by trustees appointed by elected governors.
I once supported Mike Dunleavy for governor, and he once sent me a personal note of condolence when my wife of 29 years, Cathy Liston, was dying of cancer. That made me a mark for Bordens.
As a certified Alaska teacher myself I had hope for Dunleavy as our first Educator Governor…

Every true Alaskan should be pissed. Those here only for their Alaska Adventure don’t care.
From 3,200 miles away, I have learned a lot. I am eating delicious natural foods, studying history and current events of Asia, actively engaging my new environment, and feel safe everywhere I go surrounded by people who demonstrate in every way they care about me as a sentient being.
Philippines Has Always Been a First-World Nation:
A “first world” country in geopolitical definition is an anti-communist and capitalist nation aligned with the western alliance: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and other NATO nations. First-world Asian countries are: Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and yes, the Philippines.
Philippines is also Considered an Economically Developing Nation
The economy of the Philippines is an emerging market, a newly industrialized country and one of the most dynamic in the Asia-Pacific region.
[1]The World Bank in the Philippines. World Bank.
As a developing economy, Philippines is working towards achieving greater industrialization and economic growth. In 2023, the Philippine economy is estimated to be at ₱24.27 trillion ($435.67 billion), making it the world's 34th largest by nominal GDP and 14th largest in Asia according to the International Monetary Fund.
[2] International Monetary Fund
Population of Philippines is around 114 MILLION people who are becoming ever more tech savvy. Because Filipino people learn English in school they are very good online tech support for USA.
I relish living among people who care about each other, do not need drugs to elevate their miserable lives, and are simple and true. Armed Security is visible everywhere and the crime rate has been descending for decades in Philippines. Senior citizens, pregnant women, disabled and otherwise vulnerable people are accommodated every day, everywhere.
Imagine that!
And while here I have been busy!
My Facebook Profile for Asia:
I also have a PH Facebook Group:
I LOVE Jeepneys!
Alaskans deserve to know the truth. Backwater Juneau is owned by Special interests even after We the People voted to move it.
Since statehood Alaska Public Officials have been elected in districts around the state to be sequestered in Juneau during session until they do what Special Interests require. Nearly everything voters are told regarding State government is happytalk with maraschino cherries.

This site uses an instructional voice: I lived 20 years in Backwater Juneau watching the Legislature/Executive circus in a front-row seat. My goal now is to tell Alaskans who care the truth about what is happening without the filters of special interests or disruption of chaos so prevalent in Alaska. Philippines is an ideal place to do that from, but first readers must gain some understanding about Alaska’s Best Friend in the World. I have been reading extensively and writing for publication about this long-standing relationship over the past year.
Nobody appears to be here to exploit the place for what they can take home to someplace else. Some here have long accused USA of exploitation since the Spanish-American War (April 21 – August 13, 1898) when USA bought Philippines for $20 Million.
Previously, in 1867, USA bought Alaska for $7.2 Million.
Alaska and Philippines were both attacked by Japan during WWII.
Many Filipinos must leave this Garden of Eden to work elsewhere. Some 25,000 live in Alaska and have long contributed to the state even when it was a Territory.
Many support extended families in Philippines with skilled or unskilled employment elsewhere--looking forward to the day they can return home to Philippines and retire. I have known many Filipinos in Alaska as friends, as students and as colleagues.

This is opposite of the mission of many I have known on their Alaska Adventure.
Ironically, China is Alaska’s largest trading partner when they aren’t busy trying to hack into our state government computers or posing a threat to Alaska within our coastal economic zone. China also floods Philippines with inferior products.
I look forward to returning to Alaska from exile when justice prevails! But in the meantime, I have learned a lot about what Alaskans are missing; for my money this place beats Hawaii every day of the week!
As a content creator I observe, inquire, and distill in stories what is happening now in context with what happened in the past.
Similarities are interesting and differences can be stark.
Former Philippine Capitol Makes Dandy Museum
My goal is to build a bridge between Alaska and Philippines!
You can hear my voice in week-to-week experiences celebrated on already more than 80 Postcards from Philippines. Each has a photo and a 1-minute read.
Every day since arrival I have explored what Philippines is about. I take a lot of photographs. At the end of each month I select 20 or so of the most representative of my discovery pix. These are each pasted into Side A postcard templates. Side B templates are of an old-fashioned postcard blank with a Filipino stamp. There I write a description of what the photo on the other side of the postcard represents.
This has been a labor of love and I invite you to join me in the discovery of what Alaska has that people in Philippines should know about, as well as what amazing things are happening in this island country. You can read my work on Facebook, you can subscribe to my Substack and you can buy my book.
I’m just getting wound up and I appreciate your consideration if you are looking for authentic information about what is happening in this part of the world by someone who sees it through the eyes and experience of an Alaskan. Sign up for free, consider an advertisement on my platforms, buy a book on Amazon.com.
More ideas are in the works (regular podcase) and I can sure use your financial support.
25 Chapters. Soon to be in soft- and hard-cover books, too.
[1] The World Bank in the Philippines,
"The World Bank in the Philippines". World Bank Retrieved March 21, 2022.
Domestic growth is strong in the Philippines, while global challenges are affecting prospects. The Philippine government is implementing its 8-point socioeconomic agenda and the Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028 to ensure inclusive, resilient, and sustainable growth for a prosperous society.
[2]International Monetary Fund
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a major financial agency of the United Nations, and an international financial institution funded by 190 member countries, with headquarters in Washington, D.C. It is regarded as the global lender of last resort to national governments, and a leading supporter of exchange-rate stability. Its stated mission is "working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world